Seek Compensation with an Adulterated Food Attorney
All food providers are held to certain standards by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and failure to meet those standards is often cause for legal action. If you or a loved one has been harmed due to contaminated or adulterated food products, the attorneys at Chanfrau & Chanfrau can help you collect compensation from the responsible parties. To learn more about food adulteration and how to pursue a product liability case tied to food poisoning, contact our office online or call us in Daytona, FL at (386) 258-7313, in DeLand at (386) 222-0299, or in Palm Coast at (386) 439-7760 today.
What Is Food Adulteration?
While food adulteration and food poisoning are closely related, they are not the exact same. On the one hand, adulterated food refers to any food that has been potentially compromised during its preparation. Food poisoning, on the other hand, is the medical condition that results when a person consumes adulterated food. In other woods, adulterated food is the cause and food poisoning is its effect.
The specific legal definition of adulteration encompasses a wide range of potential compromises to your food. Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, food is “adulterated” if it:
- Contains poisonous substances or pesticide chemical residue
- Bears an unsafe food or color additive or a new animal drug
- Includes substances unfit for food consumption
- Contains a dietary ingredient that presents an unreasonable risk for illness without proper labelling
- Omits or replaces a valuable ingredient
- Is prepared, packaged, or held under unsanitary conditions
It is also illegal for food providers to conceal damage or inferiority, add substances to increase the bulk or weight of the product, or make a food product appear of greater value than it is.
Effects of Food Adulteration
Consuming contaminated food can have severe consequences, especially for children, older adults, pregnant women, and individuals with compromised immune systems. Food poisoning can cause symptoms ranging from diarrhea to internal organ damage. While food providers are required to perform recalls when contamination is discovered, this typically only occurs after multiple people have sickened or died. At this point, you may have already lost valuable work time or incurred substantial medical expenses.
Determining Liability
One of the most important aspects of a product liability case is proving who is at fault. In adulterated food cases, contamination can occur anywhere in the delivery process, making it difficult to determine who is liable for your injury or illness.
If you have been affected by adulterated food...a qualified product liability attorney can help you achieve a more favorable outcome.
At Chanfrau & Chanfrau, we understand how issues with food can occur and have developed relationships with investigators that can identify who in the food delivery process is responsible. We can help you hold these parties liable for medical expenses and lost wages, as well as emotional pain and suffering. In some cases, you can even collect punitive damages to punish the food provider for acting recklessly or irresponsibly.
Hire an Advocate to Fight for You
At Chanfrau & Chanfrau, we have helped clients collect over a billion dollars in a wide variety of cases. Schedule your free case evaluation by calling us in Daytona at (386) 258-7313, in DeLand at (386) 222-0299, or in Palm Coast at (386) 439-7760 or contacting our office online today.