How Florida Uninsured
Motorist Law Can benefit you
Although all motorists in Florida are required to carry adequate auto insurance in order to legally drive within the state, not everyone does. If you are involved in an auto accident with a motorist who does not have insurance, Florida uninsured motorist law is your ally. At Chanfrau & Chanfrau in Daytona, FL, our experienced legal team will work to help you secure the compensation you deserve. To learn more about Florida uninsured motorist law, contact our law office today.
Protection for Lawful Drivers
Laws regarding uninsured motorists in Florida have been written and enacted to benefit lawful drivers who find themselves involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured party. Florida state law requires that all motorists carry basic levels of liability insurance. When a motorist fails to maintain adequate insurance coverage, he or she can be penalized. Uninsured drivers face fines and license suspensions if caught. And yet, it is estimated that the percentage of drivers in Florida who are uninsured is among the highest in the nation.
Due to the number of uninsured motorists on Florida roads, Florida statutes stipulate that all insurance policies sold in the state must include uninsured motorist vehicle coverage, unless the purchaser makes a specific rejection of uninsured motorist coverage. Uninsured motorist insurance provides coverage in the event of an accident involving an uninsured or underinsured party. This insurance coverage will cover costs beyond the $10,000 that is provided by personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. Additionally, uninsured motorist coverage can also provide compensation for property damage and financial losses stemming from a severe injury.
Receive the compensation you deserve
Being involved in an auto accident can be a traumatic experience. Even a low-speed accident that does not result in any injuries can cause a great deal of stress and frustration, particularly if the other party is uninsured. At Chanfrau & Chanfrau, our attorneys understand Florida law and can apply their knowledge and expertise to help ensure you are properly compensated for losses resulting from an auto accident with an uninsured party. If you have been involved in an auto accident with an uninsured motorist in Florida, you may be entitled to compensation for:
- Property damage
- Past and future medical bills
- Loss of past and future wages
- Pain and suffering
In such situations, the law is on your side, but navigating the legal system can be difficult. This is why we encourage you to seek professional legal counsel. Furthermore, insurance companies will often try to settle for the lowest amount possible. The team of attorneys at Chanfrau & Chanfrau will work on your behalf to maximize your claim.
Contact Our Law Office Today
At Chanfrau & Chanfrau, you can trust that we will work diligently and will not stop until we recover the compensation to which you are legally entitled. Our firm is large enough to serve you professionally, yet small enough to know you personally. To schedule a private consultation with one of our attorneys, reach out to our practice today.