Chanfrau & Chanfrau

What Is Non-physical Sexual Harassment?

Jun 21, 2022 @ 11:30 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Non Physical Sexual Harassment

Workers have the right to perform their job in an environment that is safe and free of harassment. Although employers are responsible for protecting employees from harmful situations, the reality is that many workers are still victims of workplace harassment. One of the most common types of harassment is sexual harassment.

People often think of sexual harassment as physical, but sexual harassment can take place in many forms. Here, lawyers from Chanfrau & Chanfrau, who serve Daytona Beach, FL, Palm Coast, FL, and surrounding areas, go over common types of non-physical sexual harassment that workers may be subjected to.

Catcalling or Lewd Remarks

Verbal sexual harassment often involves catcalling or making lewd remarks. Overt sexual comments could include commenting on a person’s looks, referring to a coworker by a “pet name,” or using any form of inappropriate sexual language.

Gender-based Comments

Verbal sexual harassment is not always related to sexual comments or behaviors. It can also include any comments or remarks that are related to a person’s gender. For instance, telling a female coworker that she should be home taking care of children, or commenting that a male coworker needs to “man up” can be forms of sexual harassment.

Sexual Jokes

Workers should not be subjected to sexual jokes while they are on the job. As with verbal comments, sexual jokes include those that are sexual in nature as well as those that take aim at gender stereotypes.

Sharing of Sexual Information

Sexual harassment does not always involve making a pass or making direct sexual comments to a coworker. Sharing sexual information is another form of sexual harassment. For instance, if a coworker discusses their own sexual activity or history, if they make comments about their own body, or if they share details about their sexual health, that can be considered sexual harassment.

Rumors of a Sexual Nature

Sexual harassment is often direct, but not in every situation. Someone can be subject to sexual harassment that occurs behind their back or when they are not around. For example, spreading sexual-related rumors about a coworker is a form of sexual harassment.

Requesting Sexual Favors

One of the more obvious forms of non-physical sexual harassment involves requesting sexual favors. Often, favors are requested in exchange for something else. A supervisor may ask that an employee perform a sexual act or provide a sexual favor, and in exchange they promise to provide the worker with some type of benefit, such as a raise or promotion.

Demanding Sexual Favors

Demanding of sexual favors is very similar to a request for sexual favors, only a demand usually comes with a threat instead of a promise. For example, a supervisor may demand that an employee provide a sexual favor and threaten that they will be punished in some way (terminated, demoted, etc.) if they do not comply.

Contact Our Practice

Any form of sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal. If you have been subjected to physical or non-physical sexual harassment you should consider taking legal action. To discuss your situation with the sexual harassment lawyers at Chanfrau & Chanfrau, send us a message online, or call our Daytona Beach law firm at (386) 258-7313.