Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Personal Injury and Chronic Back Pain

Jan 2, 2021 @ 06:47 PM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Personal Injury And Chronic Back Pain

Back injuries can have a major impact on your overall well-being and livelihood. That’s why the personal injury attorneys of Chanfrau & Chanfrau take these injuries seriously. Our law offices in Daytona Beach and Palm Coast, FL, are here to help victims of back injuries, whether you suffer from paralysis, long-term disability, or chronic back pain.

Chronic back pain refers to a certain kind of back injury that can significantly change your quality of life. Here, our lawyers consider the nature of chronic back pain, and why filing a personal lawsuit for chronic back pain may be in your best interest.

About Chronic Back Pain

While there are different kinds of back pain, chronic back pain refers to back pain that develops once a person has healed from their initial injuries; the affected hard and soft tissues show no further signs of harm. Back pain is considered chronic if the individual experiences pain for more than three to six months.

Chronic back pain can be frustrating. In some cases, the cause of the chronic back pain is linked to lingering damage from the initial injury. Yet in other cases, it can be difficult to identify the exact cause or causes of the chronic back pain.

What Causes Chronic Back Pain?

Chronic back pain can stem from all kinds of physical trauma to the back, neck, and spine. This includes the following kinds of injuries:

In terms of the types of accidents that lead to chronic back pain, that may include any of the following:

How Chronic Back Pain Impacts Your Life

Chronic back pain can affect your life in many ways. Chronic back pain can make it difficult to lift objects, bend at the waist, and twist your body. This results in issues with overall mobility, as well as lingering discomfort that affects other aspects of daily life.

In addition to these quality of life issues, chronic back pain could necessitate a career change given the effects on movement and mobility.

Chronic Back Pain Treatments

There are many ways to treat and manage chronic back pain. Generally, physical therapy, exercise, and other nonsurgical methods are used to address the lingering discomfort. If those noninvasive procedures are ineffective, more advanced medical treatments and surgery may be required.

Treating chronic back pain can take years. For some patients, the pain will never completely go away despite successful pain management. It can be costly to undergo back pain treatments for so long, which is why it’s important to speak with the attorneys at our Daytona Beach law firm about legal action.

Legal Damages for Chronic Back Pain

When seeking damages for chronic back pain, our attorneys will attempt to cover the cost of medical treatment, lost wages, lost future earnings, property damaged during the accident or incident, and other kinds of treatment for your pain and suffering. In cases of significant negligence, we can also pursue punitive damages to address the circumstances of your injury.

Our Lawyers Are Here to Help

The lawyers of Chanfrau & Chanfrau can help accident victims and their loved ones. We encourage you to schedule a consultation with our attorneys online or to call our law offices at (386) 258-7313.