Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Seek Compensation for Dive Boat Accidents

May 24, 2020 @ 01:53 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Dive Boat Accidents

What may start as a fun day on the water can quickly take a turn when a boating accident occurs. A boating accident attorney can help victims seek compensation for their injuries and hold those responsible for accidents liable for their negligence. 

In Florida, dive boats and diving tours are popular activities. Unfortunately, negligent dive boat operators or companies can put passengers at risk. If you or a loved one has been injured in a dive boat accident in Daytona Beach, FL and Palm Coast, FL, the attorneys of Chanfrau & Chanfrau can help you recover the compensation you deserve.  

Causes of Dive Boat Accidents

Whether diving is recreational or occupational, poor judgment, poorly maintained equipment, and other negligent behaviors can quickly lead to dangerous conditions for divers. Dive boat accidents can leave passengers with permanent injuries while others may suffer an untimely death. 

There are several possible causes of dive boat accidents, many of which are preventable. Some common causes include:

Types of Injuries in Dive Boat Accidents

Divers and passengers of dive boats can suffer from many different types of injuries. Injuries may stem from the dive itself or from equipment used for diving, including the boat. 

One of the biggest dangers facing divers is decompression sickness, also called the bends. Decompression sickness can occur when a diver comes back to the surface of the water too quickly. This causes nitrogen bubbles to form in the blood, which can lead to serious brain injuries or even death. 

Other possible injuries include:

Who May Be Held Liable for a Dive Boat Accident?

Depending on the cause of a dive boat accident, there are several possible parties that may be held liable for the accident and related injuries.  

Seek Compensation with Chanfrau & Chanfrau

If you live in or around Daytona Beach and have been injured in a dive boat accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. To learn more about which legal remedies are available to you, call (866) 610-0653 to schedule a consultation with the boat accident attorneys of Chanfrau & Chanfrau.