Chanfrau & Chanfrau

The Most Common Causes of Car Accident Fatalities in Florida in 2017

May 14, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Car Accidents

Millions of car accidents occur in the United States each year. According to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), 402,385 crashes occurred in 2017, resulting in 2,924 fatal crashes.

In this blog post, the attorneys of Chanfrau & Chanfrau in Daytona Beach, FL present statistics regarding the most common causes of car accident fatalities in Florida.

These numbers are based on the first four available Driver Action selections reported by the police officer in the Florida Crash Report. A single crash often involves multiple drivers, so these fatal crash numbers are larger than actual fatal crash totals. In addition, there were an additional 370 fatal crashes marked Not Specified and 350 fatal crashes marked with Other Contributing Action.

Operated the Motor Vehicle in a Careless or Negligent Manner          

According to the FLHSMV’s Traffic Crash Statistics Annual Report 2017, drivers operating a motor vehicle in a careless or negligent manner contributed to 765 fatal crashes. Careless or negligent driving can include speeding, driving under the influence, tailgating, and other driving habits that are dangerous.

Failed to Yield Right of Way

Failure to yield the right of way was the second most common contributing driver action, which was involved in 559 fatal crashes. Failure to yield right of way can happen at stop signs, traffic lights, and turns that require the turning or merging vehicle to yield to other drivers.

These types of crashes can be especially dangerous when vehicles are traveling at high speeds. For example, if a driver turning left fails to yield to an oncoming vehicle traveling straight at a higher speed, it can result in a deadly collision.

Failed to Keep in Proper Lane

Drivers’ failure to stay within their proper lane contributed to 205 fatal crashes in Florida. This can refer to drivers drifting out of their lane because they are under the influence, tired, distracted, or simply reckless.

Ran off Roadway

When drivers swerve to avoid colliding with another vehicle that is in danger of running them off the road, it can result in a car accident. In 2017, this driver action contributed to 167 fatal crashes.

Exceeded Posted Speed      

Speeding is a common cause of car accidents, and because of the high rates of speed, they can result in fatalities. Exceeding the posted speed limit contributed to 124 fatal crashes in Florida in 2017.

Other Driver Actions That Contribute to Fatal Car Crashes

These driver actions also contributed to fatal car accidents.

Contact Our Practice

At Chanfrau & Chanfrau, we can help car accident victims obtain compensation for damages. Contact us online at your earliest convenience, or call us in the Daytona Beach area at (386) 258-7313.