Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Negligent Security at Apartment Complexes

Nov 15, 2018 @ 11:32 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Premises Liability

Property owners have a responsibility to take the necessary measures to create a safe environment for visitors. In the case of apartment complexes, property owners are accountable for the safety of tenants and visitors. When an owner fails to meet that responsibility and a crime or injury occurs, victims may have the right to pursue a premises liability lawsuit.

Premises liability laws hold negligent property owners accountable for any losses that may have resulted from their failure to create a sufficiently safe environment. When a crime has occurred and resulted in an injury, negligent security may be partially to blame.

At Chanfrau & Chanfrau, our experienced premises liability attorneys understand the dangers associated with negligent security at apartment complexes. We can help our Daytona Beach, FL clients get the compensation they are due after they’ve fallen victim to a violent crime at a poorly secured apartment complex.

Examples of Negligent Security

There are many factors that could contribute to negligent security at an apartment complex. This could include:

Whatever the case, there are dangers associated with negligent security. Negligent security creates an environment that encourages crime and increases the risk of assault and injury.

Proving Premises Liability

Crime victims who have suffered injuries should understand that not all injuries that occur at an apartment complex warrant the filing of a premises liability claim.

There are many considerations that go into determining whether an apartment complex can be sued for premises liability:

If there is any doubt as to whether injury victims have reasonable grounds to file a premises liability claim, they should have their case examined by an experienced attorney, such as those at Chanfrau & Chanfrau.

The Importance of Legal Assistance

Property owners typically have an insurance policy protecting their investment. This policy is backed by an insurance company with attorneys that are ready to deny injury claims or minimize injury payouts.

An experienced premises liability attorney will look out for the best interest of the client and stand up to insurance companies to fight for maximum compensation for damages.

Learn More

If you have been attacked or injured at an apartment complex, the experienced attorneys at Chanfrau & Chanfrau can help you understand your legal rights and options regarding premises liability. Contact us at your earliest convenience by calling (386) 258-7313. We will listen to the details of your case and advise you of your best course of legal action.