Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Auto Accidents Caused by Grooming or Applying Make-up While Driving

Jun 13, 2018 @ 09:00 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Car Accidents

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 3,450 people were killed and 391,000 were injured in auto accidents involving distracted drivers in 2015. One type of distracted driving that can increase the risk of auto accidents is grooming.

If you were in an auto accident that was caused when another driver was distracted applying make-up or grooming in some other way, you may be entitled to compensation for damages. At Chanfrau & Chanfrau, we can review your auto accident case and determine if you should move forward with your claim.

To learn more about auto accidents caused by grooming or applying make-up while driving, read on, and then contact our Daytona Beach, FL practice to schedule a time to have one of our attorneys review your case.

How Distracted Driving Causes Accidents

Taking your eyes off of the road, even for a few seconds, can increase the risk of an accident. If drivers take their eyes off the road to look at themselves in the mirror, they may not be able to react to emergencies and events such as sudden braking and other vehicles changing lanes.

Some of the most common grooming habits that can cause distracted driving include:

To prevent accidents, do not apply make-up or groom while driving. If you practice these dangerous driving behaviors and are involved in a car accident, you may be held liable for damages.

Proving Liability

Proving liability in distracted driving cases can be difficult. That is why we work with an experienced team of experts that will look at every detail of your case.

Witness testimony is one way that we can show the other driver was not paying attention to the road. In addition, the scene of the crash can provide crucial information. For example, skids marks can be used to show that there was a delay in braking.

We will closely examine all police reports for any information that can help the case. In addition, we will look at photos of the accident scene and vehicle to see if any make-up or grooming products are visible.

Damages in Car Accident Cases

Personal injury law is intended to protect individuals from the negligent or reckless actions of another person or party. If a car accident is caused by distracted driving, this can be considered a negligent or reckless action.

In these cases, victims, or plaintiffs, have the right to pursue compensation to cover any damages that resulted from the car accident. This may include:

An attorney can help you pursue compensation for all of these damages. Contact Chanfrau & Chanfrau today.