Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Legal Help for Wage Disputes: What to Do About Unpaid Last Paychecks

Aug 26, 2016 @ 12:11 PM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Wage Disputes Employment Law

The people of Daytona Beach know that our law firm can help them following accidents and serious injuries. Yet we do more than that. We want to look out for as many Floridians as possible, which is why we also offer legal help with wage disputes, payment issues, and workplace laws.

Sometimes an employee has to deal with payment problems following termination or leaving a previous job. Because this issue comes up a fair amount, we'd like to consider your legal options when you do not receive your final paycheck.

Employees Should Be Compensated for Their Work

If you work for someone, you deserve to be paid. It's as simple as that. Sometimes payments may be delayed, which can place a burden on you and your family. So many Americans live from paycheck to paycheck these days, that even a delay of a few days can have a serious impact on the life and livelihood of an employee. Whenever these delays in payment occur, it's important that employees keep logs of their hours and any additional expenses incurred as a result of delayed payment.

Yet these issues are for people who still work for their employer. Sometimes an employee may decide to move on to another job. In these cases, it's of the utmost importance that employers pay their employees when they leave. This is not always the case, unfortunately.

Timely Payment of Wages Following Termination

Whether you were terminated from your job or left voluntarily, your employer should provide you with your final paycheck in a timely fashion. Federal law does not mandate that employers provide employees with their final paycheck immediately upon leaving. Ideally the employee should receive a last paycheck by mail or other means issues on standard payday, and the final check should cover the final pay period of that employee's work completed.

When an employer withholds final wages or a last paycheck, this can cause major hassles for the former employee regardless if that employee has found a new job or not.

Inexcusable Burdens on Former Employees

As we noted above, many Americans live from paycheck to paycheck, and missing a payday can have dire effects on their lives. A late check or delayed check could mean an inability to pay rent or afford groceries. Some people may have to go into debt simply to cover regular costs of living that would be otherwise covered by that paycheck they're waiting on.

With last paychecks in particular, former employees may be counting on that money to cover basic living expenses until unemployment benefits begin or until their new employer gives them their first paycheck.

How an Employment Attorney Can Help You

Wage disputes such as the one above are not uncommon. They can happen if you're working for a national or international company or even a small business/local business. Yet the size and statute of a company does not place it above the law. As an employee, you have rights, and our attorneys want to help you exercise those rights.

If you have any sort of wage or payment dispute with your previous employers, we can help you receive the wages you are owed, whether it's a final paycheck or even back pay. We can also help you seek compensation for costs incurred because of missing wages or late wages. We are advocates for you.

Learn More About Your Rights in Wage Dispute Cases

For more information about your legal options when it comes to termination and pay, be sure to contact our experienced employment law and wage dispute attorneys today. Our lawyers will help you in your time of legal night.