Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Rollover Auto Accidents: Your Legal Options

Oct 28, 2014 @ 08:21 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Product Liability Personal Injury Wrongful Death

The law firm of Chanfrau & Chanfrau has been helping clients in the greater Daytona Beach and Palm Coast region with their legal needs. This is particularly important following major motor vehicle collisions such as rollovers. Lawsuits that involve rollover auto accidents require experienced attornneys to negotiate the various complexities of the legal system, which is why having Chanfrau & Chanfrau on your side is crucial.

About Rollover Accidents

Rollover auto accidents refer to any kind of vehicle incident in which the vehicle has turned over onto its side or onto its roof. These kinds of accidents can be especially serious given the amount of movement that the driver and passenger(s) are subjected to from the vehicle turning about.

Causes of Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents may be classified as tripped or untripped.

Are certain vehicles more likely to experience rollover accidents?


Vehicles that have a higher center of gravity, a narrower axle track, or have issues with sensitive steering are more likely to rollover than others. This includes the following kinds of vehicles:

Roof Crushes from Rollover Accidents

If a vehicle rolls completely over onto its roof, there is another significant danger to consider in such accidents: roof crushes. This refers to the roof of the vehicle caving in on the people inside. This can lead to severe injuries and even fatalities given the nature of such accidents. This is why rollover accidents should never be taken lightly.

How to Avoid Rollover Accidents

In order to avoid experiencing a rollover accident, motorists should observe traffic laws and use common sense. When driving any vehicle (not just ones with an increased chance of experiencing a rollover), be sure to:

How Our Attorneys Can Help You

In tripped rollover accidents, we will be sure to hold any negligent parties responsible if they contributed to the collision and accident.

For untripped rollovers, we will examine the nature of the accident and determine if there was an inherent danger in the design of your vehicle, negligence with regard to other factors (e.g., poor road conditions, defective tires, improper road signage), or both. We will then hold the negligent party or parties accountable for their irresponsible actions.

No matter what, we will ensure that you receive just compensation for injuries and other material losses. If you lose a loved one in a rollover accident, the compensation sought will also be used to cover the hardship of losing someone that you care about.

Speak with Our Personal Injury Lawyers

To learn more about your legal options following a serious auto accident, be sure to contact our personal injury attorneys today. The legal team here at Chanfrau & Chanfrau look forward to your visit and helping you achieve justice following serious acts of negligence.