Chanfrau & Chanfrau

T-Bone Accidents: Common Causes and Pursuing Compensation

May 10, 2023 @ 09:00 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Car Accidents

T-bone collisions are one of the most common types of car accidents. T-bone crashes frequently cause catastrophic personal injuries, emotional trauma, and steep financial losses. Persons or parties who are responsible for T-bone car accidents should be held accountable for resulting losses.

The car accident lawyers at Chanfrau & Chanfrau, which serves Daytona Beach, FL, Palm Coast, FL, and surrounding areas, understand the potential damages of a T-bone crash and are prepared to establish liability for these types of collisions. Here, our lawyers discuss common causes of T-bone accidents and how to pursue compensation for injury damages so you can focus on recovery rather than the financial hardships of the crash.

What Is a T-Bone Car Accident?

A T-bone car accident is a side-impact or broadside collision. A T-bone crash occurs when the front end of one vehicle crashes into the side of another, creating a T shape. The impact of a T-bone collision sometimes causes the struck vehicle to spin or roll over.

Common Causes of T-Bone Car Accidents

Like most other types of crashes, T-bone car accidents are nearly always caused by neglect. Neglectful driving practices that are most likely to cause a T-bone collision include:

Additional factors that can contribute to a T-bone car accident include poor visibility due to weather conditions, poorly designed or improperly maintained intersections, and vehicle defects or improper vehicle maintenance (particularly those related to tire, brake, or light maintenance).

T-Bone Accident Injuries

The side of a vehicle rarely has the same protections as the front end of a vehicle, so drivers or passengers struck from the side are at high risk for severe injuries or death. Types of injuries commonly associated with a T-bone crash include:

Compensation for Injury Damages

Drivers responsible for T-bone car accidents are likely to deny liability. Even when fault is established, insurance companies often rush to reach a settlement that fails to adequately compensate injury victims for the full extent of their losses. Working with a knowledgeable car accident lawyer is the best way to establish liability and demonstrate injury losses to maximize financial compensation. Our lawyers pursue compensation for all areas of loss for our Daytona Beach clients, which may include:

Contact Our Law Firm

The lawyers at Chanfrau & Chanfrau work hard to maximize compensation for T-bone accident victims so our clients can focus on their recovery rather than worrying about the financial effects of the crash. To find out how our legal team can be of assistance to you in the aftermath of a collision, contact our law firm online or call (386) 258-7313 and request a case review.