Chanfrau & Chanfrau

How to Avoid Common Mistakes that Can Hurt Your Car Accident Case

Mar 28, 2023 @ 11:49 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: How To Avoid Common Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Personal Injury Case After A Car Accident

Car accidents frequently result in personal injuries that lead to physical, emotional, and financial losses. Injury victims have the right to file a personal injury claim and pursue monetary compensation for crash damages from liable parties. 

Unfortunately, a personal injury case can be hurt by mistakes that crash victims unknowingly make. Car accident lawyers at Chanfrau & Chanfrau, who serve Daytona Beach, FL, Palm Coast, FL, and surrounding areas, offer tips on how to avoid common mistakes that can hurt your personal injury case after a car accident.

Failure to Collect Details from Involved Parties

The foundation of a successful personal injury case starts immediately after a car accident. Unless there are injuries that require immediate medical attention, drivers should stay at the scene and exchange information with all involved parties. Drivers should collect the name, address, telephone number, and insurance information of anyone involved in the accident. Collecting contact information from accident witnesses is also vital to building a personal injury case.

Admission of Mistakes or Guilt

Any statements made at the accident scene, or in an interview with involved insurance companies, can be used against drivers. Even apologizing for the accident can be viewed as an admission of guilt. Drivers should avoid admitting fault or any mistakes that could have led to the accident.

Failure to Seek Medical Treatment

Drivers frequently report feeling fine after an accident and fail to seek medical treatment, which is a mistake. Car accidents often result in internal injuries that are not immediately obvious. Adrenaline is also high after an accident and may mask pain. It is best to avoid reporting on your physical health after an accident, and it is always a good idea to schedule a medical exam as soon as possible after a crash.

Failure to Document the Accident

Evidence is essential to establishing liability in a personal injury claim. Most evidence is at the scene of the crash. Unless a driver is taken from the scene for medical treatment, they should document the accident as thoroughly as possible. Drivers should take pictures of the accident scene, property damage, and injuries. They should also take detailed notes regarding what happened leading up to the crash.

Acceptance of an Early Settlement Offer

Insurance companies frequently offer a quick settlement after a crash. Drivers must understand that accepting a settlement offer forfeits their right to pursue any further compensation for accident damages. Early settlement offers usually don’t account for the full extent of crash losses. It is often not in a driver's best interest to accept a settlement offer without negotiations.

Failure to Hire a Lawyer

Injury victims often believe they can handle the aftermath of a car accident on their own. Small mistakes can impact the outcome of a personal injury case and significantly lower the amount of recovered compensation. Hiring a knowledgeable attorney who collects evidence, demonstrates liability, and fights for maximum compensation is the smartest move after a collision.

Contact Us

If you have been injured in a car accident, the lawyers at Chanfrau & Chanfrau can help you avoid costly mistakes in your personal injury case. To schedule a consultation and discuss the details of your collision, send us a message online or call our Daytona Beach law firm at (386) 258-7313.