Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Speeding and the Risk of Motorcycle Accidents

May 17, 2022 @ 09:47 PM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Speeding And The Risk Of Motorcycle Accidents

Any time that someone gets on the road they are at risk of being involved in a collision. However, there are certain choices that drivers make that can increase that risk, and one of them is the decision to speed. Speeding compromises the ability to avoid a crash, especially for motorcyclists.

Speeding increases the risk of motorcycle accidents and makes it more likely that a motorcycle crash will result in catastrophic or fatal injuries. Here, motorcycle accident lawyers from Chanfrau & Chanfrau, who serve Daytona BeachFL, Palm Coast, FL, and surrounding areas, discuss how speeding impacts the likelihood of a crash, and the severity of accident damages.

Speeding and Motorcycle Control 

Motorcycles already provide less stability than passenger vehicles, because they have two wheels instead of four. It takes skill and training to control a motorcycle and ride it safely. The faster that a motorcycle is traveling, the more difficult it becomes to control, particularly when making certain maneuvers, like changing lanes or turning a corner. When motorcyclists drive over the posted speed limit, they are increasing the risk that they lose control of their bike and get involved in a collision.

Speeding and Reaction Time

Another way that speeding increases the risk of a motorcycle accident is by reducing a rider’s reaction time. Motorcyclists have to be especially careful to avoid hazards in the road. Even a loose rock or small piece of debris can affect the balance of a motorcycle and cause a crash. If a motorcyclist is riding at excessive speeds, they have less time to respond to potential dangers. Once a rider sees a hazard, their motorcycle could make an impact before they ever have time to process the risk and react accordingly.

Speeding and Braking Time

Even if a motorcyclist sees a hazard and has time to process the risk, they may still not be able to avoid a collision if they are speeding. The amount of time it takes to bring a motorcycle to a complete stop is directly linked to the motorcycle’s speed. The faster that a motorcycle is traveling, the greater the distance it will cover before stopping. Since braking is often the best way to avoid a crash, driving at excessive speeds significantly increases the risk of an accident.

Speeding and Motorcycle Accident Damages

Speeding not only increases the risk of a motorcycle accident, but it also increases the severity of accident damages. The impact of a crash is determined by the weight of the vehicle and the speed that the vehicle is traveling at the time of the collision. Motorcycle accidents that involve speeding are more likely to result in catastrophic or fatal injuries. The risk is especially great for motorcycle riders, because they do not have any type of protective frame to absorb the impact of the crash.

Contact Chanfrau & Chanfrau

The physical, emotional, and financial effects of a motorcycle accident can be devastating. If you have been injured in a motorcycle crash the lawyers at Chanfrau & Chanfrau can help you hold liable parties accountable for damages. To discuss your case with our legal team, send us a message online, or call our Daytona Beach law firm at (386) 258-7313.