Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Red Light Runners and the Risk of Car Accidents

Oct 31, 2020 @ 03:55 PM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Car Accident Attorney Car Accident And And Red Light Runner

Traffic lights help with traffic flow but also play an important role in keeping drivers safe by letting them know when to stop and when to go. Unfortunately, some people intentionally disobey traffic lights. These people put others' lives and well-being at risk every time they run a red light. 

A car accident attorney can help those who have been injured in an accident caused by someone running a red light seek compensation for their injuries and other damages. At Chanfrau & Chanfrau, our attorneys represent clients in cases involving car accidents and red light runners in Daytona Beach, FL, Palm Coast, FL, and surrounding areas. If you have been injured in a car accident caused by a red light runner, we welcome you to schedule a consultation to find out how we can help.

Red Light Runners Put Others at Risk 

When drivers run red lights, they increase the risk of serious accidents, endangering the lives of others on the road. 

One of the most common types of accidents caused by red light runners are T-bone collisions. A T-bone collision occurs when the side of a vehicle is hit by the front of another vehicle. This usually happens when a driver goes through a red light at the same time the vehicle with the right of way proceeds through the intersection. 

In addition to causing T-bone collisions, red light runners often accelerate as they drive through the intersection in an effort to beat the light. High speeds can make collisions more severe, leading to serious injuries or even fatalities. 

Causes of Running Red Lights

There are many reasons people run red lights. Some drivers run red lights on purpose while others may accidentally do so. The following are some possible reasons people run red lights. 

Seeking Damages for Injuries Caused by Red Light Runners 

Those who have been injured in an accident caused by a red light runner need an attorney on their side to help them get the maximum settlement for their injuries and other damages. 

All too often, insurance companies try to pay out as little as possible and place undue blame on the injured party in an effort to reduce their settlement offer. A car accident attorney can help victims get the compensation they deserve by building a strong case and advocating for their client's interests. 

Schedule a Consultation

If you live in or near Daytona Beach and have been involved in a car accident and would like to learn more about your legal options, call (386) 258-7313 to schedule a consultation with the car accident attorneys of Chanfrau & Chanfrau.