Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Types of Reckless Driving

May 18, 2020 @ 09:00 PM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Car Accidents

Reckless driving refers to driving a vehicle in a manner that shows complete disregard for the safety of other people and property. While it would seem like most drivers would avoid operating their vehicle in such a manner, many people practice reckless driving behaviors on a regular basis. Sometimes, drivers don’t even realize how dangerous their behavior is.

The car accident lawyers at Chanfrau & Chanfrau in Daytona Beach, FL, and Palm Coast, FL, have seen how reckless driving can affect people. By calling attention to some of the most common types of reckless driving, we hope to deter people from these dangerous practices.


Speeding is one of the most dangerous forms of reckless driving and, sadly, one of the most common. Many drivers admit to speeding occasionally, and some do so on a regular basis. In a rush to reach their destination, drivers may not consider all the risks associated with speeding.

Speeding increases the likelihood of an accident by making it more difficult to control a vehicle, increasing the amount of time it takes a vehicle to stop, and decreasing the amount of time that a driver has to respond to dangerous situations.

In addition to making it more likely that an accident will occur, speeding also affects the severity of a collision. The faster a vehicle is traveling at the time of an accident, the greater the impact of the collision, which will have a direct impact on the severity of injuries.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is another common type of reckless driving. When drivers engage in activities that take their eyes off the road, hands off the steering wheel, or mind off the task of driving, they are putting others at risk. Sometimes drivers in the Palm Coast area are not aware of how reckless their actions may be. Common forms of distracted driving include:

Disregarding Traffic Laws

Disregarding traffic laws is a blatant form of reckless driving. Drivers who choose to ignore traffic signals, run through a stop sign, or make illegal turns should be aware of how dangerous their actions are. Traffic laws are in place to keep drivers and pedestrians safe. Ignoring these laws shows complete disregard for yourself and others.

Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence is another deliberate form of reckless driving. Every state has an established blood-alcohol content limit that is in place to minimize the risk of an accident. If drivers choose to operate a vehicle when they are beyond this limit, they are making a reckless decision that puts themselves and others at risk. In addition to alcohol, drivers should avoid driving under the influence of drugs (including prescription drugs) that could alter their perceptions and abilities, thus making driving unsafe.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving poses a real threat to drivers. Aggressive driving includes hostile and belligerent practices that increase the risk of an accident. Potential forms of aggressive driving include tailgating, making unsafe lane changes, overtaking another vehicle, and harassing or attempting to harm other drivers.

Contact Us

If you have been injured in a car accident caused by reckless driving, you have the right to seek financial compensation for resulting damages. To learn how the lawyers at Chanfrau & Chanfrau in Daytona Beach and Palm Coast can help you collect damages for your losses, send us a message at your earliest convenience or call (866) 610-0653.