Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Motorcycle Accidents and Foot Injuries

Sep 18, 2019 @ 11:05 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Motorcycle Accidents Auto Accidents

Motorcyclists are extremely vulnerable to harm. They are not as well-protected as other motorists on the road, and many crashes have a direct impact on their bodies, which can lead to catastrophic if not fatal injuries. This is why our Daytona Beach, FL law firm takes motorcycle accidents so seriously. We understand the danger and the long-term repercussions.

The team at Chanfrau & Chanfrau would like to focus on injuries to the feet and ankles of motorcyclists. This should give you insight into the hazards out there on the road and how a crash can change your life.

Common Foot Injuries

Some of the most common foot injuries motorcyclists experience include:

Long-Term Effects of Foot Injuries

Our Daytona Beach attorneys have assisted some clients who’ve suffered severe foot and ankle injuries, so we understand the long-term effects that may be involved.

Recovering from a serious injury to the foot or feet can take months. This impacts your mobility and independence. Such injuries could leave you unable to work, and could even require a career change. Years of surgery could also be required for severe fractures.

In the case of the loss of a foot, major changes will be required to restore your mobility and independence. You may require a prosthetic foot in order to get around properly.

Protective Gear for Motorcyclists

Wearing proper protective gear can protect against some of the injuries to the feet. Motorcyclists should wear a good pair of boots when on their bike, as well as pants, a jacket, gloves, and a helmet. Wearing this gear can make a major difference, and could prevent more severe harm from occurring.

Holding Negligent Motorists Accountable

If another person or party caused your motorcycle accident, it’s important that you file a civil lawsuit to hold them accountable. Legal damages can be sought to help cover the cost of medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and the hardships you’ve had to endure because of your injuries. Our lawyers are here to help.

Learn More About Your Legal Options

If you would like more information about your legal options following a serious motorcycle crash, be sure to contact our team of injury accident attorneys. The law firm of Chanfrau & Chanfrau can be reached in Daytona Beach at (866) 610-0653 and in Palm Coast at (386) 439-7760.