Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Motorcycle Accidents and Foot Injuries

Jun 18, 2019 @ 04:00 PM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Motorcycle Accidents Auto Accidents

According to 2016 numbers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 5,286 motorcyclists were killed in collisions. The state of Florida alone account for 555 of those motorcycle fatalities. While 2016 injury estimates were not available from the NHTSA, there were an estimated 88,000 motorcyclist injuries in 2015. Numbers like these emphasize the important of contacting a skilled motorcycle accident attorney after a crash. The Daytona Beach and Palm Coast, FL auto collision lawyers of Chanfrau & Chanfrau can help.

While many people associate motorcycle collisions with head injuries, a significant number of motorcyclists also suffer from foot and ankle injuries during crashes. Let’s consider why this occurs, the long-term repercussions of such injuries, and what can be done to prevent serious harm.

Why Foot and Leg Injuries Are Common in Motorcycle Accidents

When a motorcyclist is involved in a crash, they are more vulnerable to injury that other motorists. Whether they are thrown from a motorcycle or not, the risk of serious injury is high. The legs, ankles, and feet are exposed to trauma. If you land on your foot or ankle wrong during a crash, the force from impact can result in severe trauma.

Common Foot and Ankle Injuries

Some of the most common foot and ankle injuries sustained in motorcycle accidents include:

The severity and type of foot or ankle injury sustained will depend on the nature of the crash.

Long-Term Effects of Foot Injuries

A foot injury can have serious effects on your ability to get around. You may be kept off your foot for several weeks if not longer to give it time to fully heal. For severe foot or ankle injuries, multiple surgical procedures may be required in order to address the damaged tissues. If you lose a foot in an accident, a prosthetic will be made to help you walk and stand normally.

Even after making a full recovery, your injured foot or ankle may not function in the same way that it did before the injury. Experiencing stiffness or reduced mobility and use of the injured foot is common. This can have an impact on your career if you were in a physically demanding profession, but will generally have a negative effect on how you perform daily activities you used to take for granted.

Ways for Motorcyclists to Prevent Serious Foot Injuries

The best way for motorcyclists to protect themselves from serious foot injuries is to wear a sturdy pair of riding boots whenever they are on their vehicle. The boots may not be completely able to prevent injury, but they will offer protection against more severe levels of harm. Consider riding boots another type of essential protective gear to wear in addition to a riding jacket, gloves, and a helmet.

Contact the Lawyers of Chanfrau & Chanfrau

To learn more about your legal options following a motor vehicle crash of any kind, be sure to contact our motorcycle accident lawyers. The attorneys of Chanfrau & Chanfrau are here to help. You can reach us in Daytona Beach at (386) 258-7313 and in Palm Coast at (386) 439-7760.