Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Unsafe Lane Changes: A Leading Cause of Motorcycle Accidents

Dec 24, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Motorcycle Accidents

It is an unfortunate truth that motorcyclists are some of the most vulnerable motorists on the road. Even when motorcyclists are skilled and cautious, they are at risk of being injured or killed due to the reckless or negligent actions of other drivers.

The lack of protection provided by a motorcycle means that, should an accident occur, the injuries are usually significantly higher than accidents involving two cars. Motorcycle accidents can result in catastrophic, life-changing injuries, and often lead to crippling financial losses.

Unsafe lane changes are one of the leading causes of motorcycle accidents. Anyone who has been injured in a motorcycle accident involving lane changes in the Port Orange, FL area should consider working with the attorneys at Chanfrau & Chanfrau. Our experienced attorneys will gather the evidence that is needed to prove liability so that our clients can receive just compensation for accident damages.

Proving Liability

Lane splitting is the act of riding a motorcycle between two lanes of traffic. Lane splitting is illegal in Florida. However, even if a motorcyclist was lane splitting at the time of an accident, the motorcyclist will not be held wholly accountable if it can be shown that the other involved driver was driving recklessly or taking actions that were more dangerous than lane splitting, such as unsafe lane changing.

Unsafe lane changing is one of the most common causes of accidents, especially those involving motorcycles. Drivers often hurriedly weave between lanes of traffic or make sudden lane changes in an attempt to avoid traffic or get ahead of slower vehicles. When doing this, they may fail to check for oncoming traffic, or avoid looking over their shoulder to check their blind spot.

Unfortunately, a small motorcycle can be missed and an accident can occur. To prove that unsafe lane changing was a leading cause of the accident, our attorneys will gather evidence, including witness statements. It can also be helpful to present evidence that the motorcyclist is an experienced and careful rider; this may include a clean driving record or proof of the completion of motorcycle safety courses.

Compensation for Damages

If a driver is found liable for contributing to a motorcycle accident involving unsafe lane changing, he or she can also be held responsible for at least a portion of the damages caused by the accident.

Some areas of compensation may include medical expenses related to accident injuries, the cost of any ongoing medical care, the expense of any necessary medical devices (such as a wheelchair), lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Our attorneys will work to protect the rights of our clients and ensure they receive the maximum compensation allowable for accident damages.

Contact Us

If you are a motorcyclist who has been injured in an accident that you believe was caused by unsafe lane changes, it is important to have an experienced attorney on your side as you fight for compensation. Contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss the details of your accident with the experienced motorcycle accident attorneys at Chanfrau & Chanfrau.