Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Sudden Stop Motorcycle Accidents

Dec 19, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Motorcycle Accidents

There are many known causes of motorcycle accidents, but one of the most common is sudden stops. If a car suddenly stops in front of a motorcycle in an attempt to change lanes or avoid missing a turn or freeway exit, the rider will have little time to respond.

Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents typically result in serious injuries for the rider, and sometimes even death. It is common for a rider to be thrown from his or her bike in an accident caused by a sudden stop. Once propelled from the bike, the rider may hit a vehicle, other stationary objects by the road, or the asphalt itself. In any of these cases, injuries and damages are likely to be severe.

The experienced motorcycle accident attorneys at Chanfrau & Chanfrau can provide legal representation to victims of motorcycle accidents involving sudden stops in Ormond Beach, FL and surrounding areas. We will fight to help our clients receive any financial compensation they may be due for damages suffered.

Potential Injuries in a Sudden Stop Motorcycle Accident

If a driver traveling in front of a motorcycle suddenly slams on the brakes, the motorcyclist may not have time to respond and stop the bike before striking the car. Even if the motorcyclist is able to stop in time, a rear end accident could occur.

Whether a motorcycle is the striking vehicle in a rear-end collision, or the one being hit from behind, injuries are common. A motorcycle rider is at risk for the following types of injuries:

Avoiding Sudden Stop Accidents

The unfortunate truth is that no matter how cautious motorcyclists may be, they can’t always prevent a sudden stop accident. However, by taking certain safety precautions, motorcycle riders can minimize the risk of an accident. We recommend that motorcyclists consider the following safety tips:

Seeking Legal Representation

The damages of a sudden stop motorcycle accident can be costly. It is important that liable drivers are held responsible for the cost of such losses, as well as the emotional and physical pain and suffering injuries can cause.

Even if your motorcycle struck another car from behind, you may not be responsible for the accident, depending on the circumstances. It is important to work with attorneys who are experienced in representing cases of motorcycle accidents involving sudden stops. Our attorneys work hard to protect our clients’ rights and collect the compensation they are due for accident damages.

Contact Us

To discuss the details of your accident with one of the experienced motorcycle accident attorneys at Chanfrau & Chanfrau, contact us at your earliest convenience.