Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Auto Accidents Related to Tire Blowouts

Jul 25, 2017 @ 12:39 PM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

A large percentage of auto accidents are caused by reckless drivers who make irresponsible decisions on the road. However, other accidents are the result of other unforeseeable circumstances, primarily automotive defects. For example, one leading cause of car accidents is tire blowouts. When a blowout occurs, it becomes very difficult to control the vehicle and greatly increases the risk of a car crash. These auto accidents can have devastating effects, including personal injury, pain and suffering, and financial losses.

There are many factors that go into determining accident liability when a tire blowout occurs. It is important for victims of auto accidents involving tire blowouts in the Daytona Beach, FL area to work with an experienced attorney, such as those at Chanfrau & Chanfrau, to ensure their legal rights are protected. Our attorneys will fight for just compensation for any losses associated with such an accident.

Causes of Tire Blowouts

A tire blowout occurs when a tire suddenly loses all air pressure. When a blowout occurs on the road, drivers will likely hear a loud bang, and will feel a drastic pull on the vehicle. A blowout makes it very difficult to maintain control of the vehicle. There are many situations that can cause a tire blowout, including:

Preventing Auto Accidents from Tire Blowouts

Although a tire blowout is an unpredictable event, there are steps a driver can take to minimize the risk of an auto accident caused by a tire blowout. The best way to avoid an accident from a tire blowout is to properly maintain the vehicle’s tire pressure. Drivers should check air pressure regularly, as well as periodically examine the tread of the tires to ensure they are in optimal shape.

If a tire blowout does occur, the driver’s response is vital to preventing an auto accident. Below are some important tips should your vehicle’s tire blowout:

Who Is at Fault?

Determining fault in an auto accident caused by a tire blowout is complicated. Some factors that will be taken into consideration include whether the vehicle was properly maintained by the owner, whether the tire was defective, and whether the accident would have been avoidable had the driver reacted differently. Our attorneys will consider all of these factors and gather the evidence that is necessary to prove a strong case of liability. Once fault has been determined, we will fight to help our clients obtain just compensation for the full extent of their accident losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Contact Us

If you have been involved in an auto accident, it is important to work with an experienced attorney who will protect your rights. Contact us at your earliest convenience to learn how the experienced legal team at Chanfrau & Chanfrau can assist you in collecting just compensation for your damages.