Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Running Red Lights and the Risk of Car Accidents

Apr 18, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

There are many drivers sharing the road each day, and without proper regulations, busy roads could easily turn chaotic. Stop signs, traffic lights, and other road signs are all meant to control the flow of traffic and minimize the number of car accidents. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, car accidents take place at alarming rates, and many of them occur in intersections, where traffic lights are active. Often, these accidents are the result of a reckless or careless driver running a red light.

Car accidents can result in serious personal injury, significant emotional trauma, and costly financial losses. The auto accident attorneys at Chanfrau & Chanfrau represent victims of car accidents to ensure they are justly compensated for the full extent of their damages. Car accidents caused by running red lights can greatly impact our Daytona Beach, FL clients, but our attorneys are ready to fight to protect their right to financial compensation.

The Risk of Running Red Lights

Traffic lights are put in place for a reason. They are meant to provide order at intersections and offer a safe way for all vehicles to get to their intended destination. Unfortunately, a surprising number of drivers choose to ignore red lights or fail to pay attention to them. Whether a driver runs a red light purposefully or on accident, he or she can be held responsible for any car accidents that occur as a result.

Most people don’t realize how big of a problem running a red light actually is. Statistics show that close to 45 percent of all car accident take place in intersections. Of these accidents, most are related to a driver running a red light or stop sign. Overall, thousands of accidents each year are the result of running a red light.

Auto accidents caused by running a red light can be extremely damaging. In many cases, a car is traveling high speeds when it passes through a red light. This can lead to significant property damage and severe personal injuries, or even death. Depending on the specifics of each case, losses related to injuries stemming from an auto accident caused by running a red light may include medical expenses, the cost of long-term medical care, lost wages, a loss of wage earning potential, and pain and suffering.

Seeking Legal Representation

Following a car accident, it is important to seek legal representation. Our attorneys will collect the evidence that is necessary to prove liability. Even in cases in which a driver accepts responsibility for running a red light, it is still a good idea to have an experienced attorney on your side. Insurance companies are often quick to offer a settlement that fails to take into account the full extent of an accident victim’s losses. Our attorneys will fight to ensure that just compensation is provided for all damages.

Contact Us

The experienced auto accident attorneys at Chanfrau & Chanfrau have collected financial compensation for many car accident victims. If you’ve been involved in an accident and are looking for a trusted attorney to protect your rights, contact us at your earliest convenience.