Chanfrau & Chanfrau

The Surprising Facts about Golf Cart Accidents

Dec 12, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Golf Cart Accidents

Golf carts may seem like perfectly innocuous modes of transportation. Certainly, the state of Florida thinks so. Indeed, the state allows anyone aged 14 or over to operate a golf cart. Furthermore, no one who rides in a golf cart is required to wear a seat belt; indeed, the vast majority of golf carts aren’t even equipped with seat belts. While golf cart injuries may pale in comparison to the number of injuries that occur in catastrophic auto accidents, the number may still shock you. According to the Consumer Products Safety Commission, there are approximately 15,000 injuries related to golf cart accidents each year.

In addition to handling personal injury claims arising from all types of car, truck, and motorcycle accidents, the lawyers of Chanfrau & Chanfrau also expertly handle litigation involving golf cart accidents. Our Daytona Beach, FL personal injury attorneys have the skills, knowledge, and pure tenacity to win even the most complex cases in which victims of golf cart accidents have been severely injured or killed. If you have been injured or if you have lost a member of your family in such an accident, we will fight for your right to compensation for your losses and expenses.

We urge you to contact the law firm of Chanfrau & Chanfrau today for an evaluation of your golf cart accident case.

Are There Any Restrictions on Driving a Golf Cart?

Many people believe that golf carts must be perfectly safe to drive and that, even if they are involved in accidents, the consequences surely couldn’t be too severe. After all, golf carts are small, lightweight vehicles that feature no real safety protection and require no training to drive. In the state of Florida, you don’t even need to have a driver’s license in order to operate a golf cart. You simply have to:

Otherwise, there are no limits on operating a golf cart. No helmets or other safety gear must be worn, even by occupants under the age of 14. They can be driven up to 35 miles per hour in locations allowed by law.

What Types of Golf Cart Accidents Are Typical?

As a result of their light weight, golf carts are particularly prone to rollover accidents and tipping. Even when they hit small bumps or potholes, passengers can easily be thrown, especially those sitting on the back. Because drivers and passengers are usually not wearing seat belts, there is nothing to prevent them from being thrown violently from the vehicle, making them susceptible to serious head, neck, back, and other injuries.

Arrange for an Evaluation of Your Golf Cart Accident Case Today

To arrange for an evaluation of your golf cart accident case, please contact the law firm of Chanfrau & Chanfrau today.