Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Auto Accidents Can Lead to Severe Depression

Sep 27, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

Car accidents involve major psychological trauma and, often, serious physical injuries. In tragic cases, you could be dealing with debilitating damage or the loss of a loved one. It is no wonder, then, that auto accidents can often lead to depression. As if the physical effects of an accident were not enough, this psychological disorder can make it even more difficult to cope. Severe depression can even affect your ability to work or go about your daily tasks. The condition can also place a serious financial burden on your family. If you are suffering from depression following a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation. The team at Chanfrau & Chanfrau offers compassionate, personalized legal counsel. We will take much of the stress out of your accident claim so that you do not have to face additional pressure. To learn more about car accidents and depression, contact our Daytona Beach practice today.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Depression

There are several types of depression with varying durations and levels of severity. Major depression usually lasts about six months, but it is likely to reoccur throughout life. Dysthymia, or “mild depression,” is chronic. Though symptoms are less severe than those of major depression, the mental cloud is unlikely to lift.

Signs of depression can include:

How Do Car Accidents Cause Depression?

Car accidents can have life-altering effects. Like many people, you may have difficulty adjusting to your new way of life, and this can have understandable emotional effects. For example, serious physical injuries can prevent you from working or enjoying the activities you love. They can also keep you from caring for your family or having a physical relationship with your spouse. Financial strain can also cause depression. Your medical bills and property damage can add up fast. You may have difficulty receiving insurance coverage, or you may be out of work after your accident.

You may also be mourning the wrongful death of a loved one. It is always hard when a friend or family member passes away. However, when it occurs suddenly, or when it is the result of someone else’s negligence, it can be even more devastating.

Chanfrau & Chanfrau Is Ready to Help

At our firm, we know that financial compensation will not cure your depression or make your life return to normal. However, our attorneys can help you recover damages to alleviate your financial strain. In many cases, we can help you obtain additional funds to cover the cost of therapy or other treatment for depression. Of course, we know that legal negotiation or a lawsuit can be stressful. We also know that you do not need additional emotional pressure at this time. For this reason, we will handle all aspects of your case, offering compassionate counsel throughout the entire process.

Contact Us Today

If you or a loved one is suffering from depression after a car accident, contact us today for the effective representation you need.