Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Auto Accidents Caused by Road Debris

Oct 24, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

The chances are good that when most people think of auto accidents, they think of collisions involving two or more vehicles caused by the negligence of one of the drivers. While many devastating car, truck, and motorcycle accidents do fit this mold, many others are caused by factors outside of the control of the operators of vehicles. For instance, some accidents are caused by defective automotive products such as brakes, steering columns, and fuel lines. Others are caused by inclement weather, inadequate signage, and road defects. In such cases, it is possible that the driver involved in the accident may not be at fault to any degree.

One of the most common causes of auto accidents is road debris. While debris in the road is often simply annoying, possibly causing cosmetic damage to a vehicle or worse, it can also lead to dangerous or even deadly accidents. In such cases, it may be possible for the victim or victims of the accident to recover damages by filing a personal injury claim against the party responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the road. However, identifying and taking action against such parties can be a tricky process, particularly if that party happens to be a government entity. Choosing the right lawyer can make the difference between being saddled with tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of unexpected expenses and losses and obtaining the compensation to which the victims are rightfully entitled.

At Chanfrau & Chanfrau in Daytona Beach, road debris and auto accidents have formed the foundation of many of the cases we have successfully handled throughout the years. If you or a member of your family has been injured in an auto accident caused by road debris, or if you have tragically lost a loved one in such an accident, we would welcome the opportunity to fight for justice on your behalf.

Why Auto Accident Cases Involving Road Debris Are Particularly Complex

There is no such thing as a simple, straightforward auto accident case. However, when one vehicle strikes another, there is at least a reasonable starting point for identifying a liable party, even if proving liability is not an easy matter. In accident cases involving road debris, especially single-vehicle accident cases, we know what was at fault, but not necessarily who was at fault.

While investigating the accident, our personal injury attorneys must determine:

In cases in which a government entity is determined to be the responsible party, taking legal action becomes problematic, especially for inexperienced lawyers and lawyers who are unaccustomed to handling complex auto accident litigation. However, while government entities do enjoy a higher level of protection against litigation than most other individuals and entities, they are not immune to justice. The attorneys of Chanfrau & Chanfrau are able to build the strongest, most compelling cases possible, providing ample evidence of negligence on the part of government officials when such evidence exists.

Contact Our Law Firm Today

To arrange for your case evaluation, please contact our personal injury law firm today.