Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Auto Accidents and Brake Failure: What Are Your Legal Options

May 1, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

The point of your personal vehicle is to help you get from point A to point B faster than you would without it. However, safely operating your vehicle involves as much stopping as it does going. Your brakes are among the most important components of your vehicle; when they fail, you have no way of stopping an impending accident, and the outcome can be disastrous. Daytona Beach attorneys, Chanfrau & Chanfrau, warn that when brake failure leads to auto accidents, proving liability can be tricky, and maintaining your car according to factory standards is the best way to protect yourself.

Who’s At Fault?

Liability for any accident depends on a number of factors. In the case of brake failure, how you’ve cared for your vehicle is paramount. If a brake problem was overlooked by a mechanic, then the auto repair shop could be to blame. If the brakes were defective to begin with, then the manufacturer will bear the brunt of the blame. However, if you haven’t followed the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintaining your vehicle, including the brakes, then the fault may rest mostly with you.

Warning Signs of Brake Failure

Although our auto accident attorneys are highly-skilled at helping you navigate the aftermath of an automobile accident, preventing the incident is preferable, whenever it’s possible. You can lessen your risks of brake failure and a resulting accident by taking good care of your car, and being aware of the signs that can warn you of an imminent brake failure, such as;

How to Prevent Brake Failure in Your Car

For most people, the first sign of failing brakes is a high-pitched noise. If you hear such noises and take your car to the dealer or an auto repair shop immediately, you may avoid any unfortunate accidents resulting from brake failure. You should also have your brakes checked if you have to press the pedal almost all the way to the floor before they respond. Ignoring regular auto maintenance, or warning signs that your brakes aren’t working properly can result in an accident for which you may be deemed at fault.

Truck Accidents and Brake Failure

When it comes to commercial vehicles, like big trucks, accidents can lead to damage on a different, more severe level. Unlike a conventional automobile, commercial trucks carry several tons of additional cargo in addition to the weight of the vehicle itself. On impact, the incredible weight and force can prove devastating to the people and vehicles in the truck’s immediate vicinity, and mechanical failure (including brakes) are the most-common cause of commercial truck accidents. If you’re injured due to a truck collision, then call a personal injury attorney at Chanfrau & Chanfrau to help ensure that you receive the care and benefits you deserve.

Schedule a Case Evaluation Today

To learn more, contact the offices of Chanfrau & Chanfrau today. Our legal team looks forward to meeting you and helping you receive just compensation for injuries sustained and losses incurred in an automobile accident. We’ll also protect you in the event that your automobile’s brakes fail, and it isn’t your fault.