Chanfrau & Chanfrau

Driver Distractions and Car Accidents

Feb 17, 2014 @ 11:30 AM — by Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

There are many different causes of accidents to consider these days, and the exact cause of the accident can define the nature of the litigation pursued. If a trucking company's policies lead to an auto accident, for instance, it is the company who may be held liable for an accident occurring.

One particular cause of auto accidents that our personal injury attorneys are noticing more and more is driver distraction. We'd like to take a few moments right now to consider the nature of driver distraction lawsuits and what these entail.

What is driver distraction?

Driver distraction refers to various cases in which a driver is paying attention to something other than the road. This could refer to any of the following:

In all of the above cases, the driver's inattention is a danger to other motorists as well as pedestrians and bicyclists.

Why Driver Distraction Is So Dangerous

When a driver is distracted, he or she is not able to drive in response to actual road conditions. This lack of attention can be very dangerous, leading to collisions with other motorists and even solo motor vehicle collisions.

Texting / Smart Phone Use and Driving

One of the most common causes of driver distraction these days is texting while driving and the use of cell phones while driving. Our auto accident attorneys have also noticed issues with drivers using tablets while on the road as well.

Mobile devices and tablets do make our lives more convenient, that is true. Yet drivers need to take time to disconnect and to focus on the road ahead. By exercising proper attention, a driver helps ensure that they are safe, their passengers are safe, and others who share the road are safe as well.

Remain Attentive When You Are Behind the Wheel

We urge you to please remain focused on the road when you are behind the wheel. Do not use any mobile devices while driving, and only use these devices when you are parked or when you are outside of the vehicle.

Similarly, we advise you to not eat while driving and to be careful while doing anything that may take your attention away from the road. Drive smart and drive cautiously at all times.

How Our Legal Team Can Help Injury Victims and Their Loved Ones

If you or a loved one has been injured by a distracted driver, it's important that you speak with our legal time as soon as possible. Our attorneys will hold these negligent motorists accountable and make sure that any medical bills or losses sustained are covered when we seek damages.

If a loved one was killed by a distracted motorist, we will make sure that you receive compensation for the tragic loss. This may not bring your loved one back, but it can be an important part of the mourning and grieving process.

Learn More About Auto Accident Cases

If you would like to learn more about your legal rights in auto accident litigation, be sure to contact our Central Florida personal injury attorneys today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you make smart decisions about all of your legal entitlements.